“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ...Anatole France...
Visit our Breeding/Kidding Page to learn about breeding schedule and due dates, along with everything you need to know about buying a Blissberry kid. |
Welcome to Blissberry
G6S Normal ~ DNA Typed
Home of the 2011 ADGA National Best Udder Nubian:
SGCH Blissberry J Alibi 4*M
Home of the 2011 ADGA National Reserve Best Udder Nubian:
SGCH Blissberry F Aloha 4*M
Home of the 2012 ADGA Reserve National Champion & Reseve Best Udder Nubian:
SGCH Blissberry Rock My World 3*M
2013 ADGA National Show Premier Nubian Exhibitor
Home of the 2013 ADGA National Reserve Junior Champion Oberhasli:
SGCH New Dreams CB Mochas Esmeralda 4*M
2016 ADGA National Show Premier Nubian Breeder
2016 ADGA National Show Premier Nubian Exhibitor
Home of the 2016 ADGA National Show Premier Nubian Sire:
SGCH ++*B Kastdemur's Most Wanted
Home of the 2017 ADGA National Champion & Best Udder Oberhasli:
SGCH New Dreams CB Mochas Esmeralda 4*M
2019 ADGA National Show Reserve Premier Nubian Breeder
2019 ADGA National Show Premier Nubian Exhibitor
Home of the 2019 ADGA National Reserve Junior Champion Nubian:
Blissberry Walking In Memphis
Home of the 2019 ADGA National Best Udder Nubian:
GCH Blissberry Rain Or Shine 7*M
Home of the 2021 ADGA National Reserve Junior Champion Nubian:
Blissberry Party In The USA
2021 ADGA National Show Reserve Premier Nubian Breeder
Home of the 2022 ADGA National Junior Champion Nubian:
Blissberry For Heaven's Sake
Home of the 2023 ADGA National Reserve Junior Champion Saanen:
Blissberry BW Peridot
2023 ADGA National Show Reserve Premier Saanen Breeder
Home of the 2024 ADGA National Reserve Best Udder Saanen:
GCH Bearly Siber Beatrice 1*M
Thank you for your interest in our herd of Purebred Nubian and American Saanen Dairy Goats. We maintain a select, productive herd on our 80 acre farm in Alexandria, Minnesota. We're located on a beautiful section of land with rolling hills, silver maples and large ponds. It's hot and humid in the summer, bitterly cold and snowy in the winter but we love it here!
I began raising and breeding dairy goats shortly after receiving a Saanen doe as a wedding gift. Although she is no longer with us, it didn't take long for her to instill a true love for these amazing creatures. Our focus has always been to breed elegant, balanced animals that are strong in general appearance with well attached mammary systems who also have the ability to produce offspring as good as or better than themselves in those areas. In addition to correct type, we select for long, level lactations with high components, good health and easy going, friendly dispositions.
Our entire herd has been enrolled in DHIR testing for the past 26 years and we are very pleased to have had all of our mature does earn their milking stars. We also have quite a few Nubians that have milked over 3,000# and have some who have received breed leader recognition in past years. Many of our Saanens approach the 4,000# mark. The majority of our does milk a full 305 day lactation. We don't dry them up after show season (After all, they are DAIRY goats); they milk through our hot summers and cold winters. We've participated in the Linear Appraisal program 24 of the past 26 years. We currently have a total of twenty-six animals residing in the herd with final scores of EX90 or above; including SIX does who have scored EX93! You'll also find several of our animals listed on the Elite Sire/Dam lists, the Young Sire Development Program and included in the ADGA Superior Genetics Program. Our herd is shown on a local and state level as well as most ADGA National Shows regardless of distance. We've always felt that dairy goats can truly do it all, milk, show, appraise well and reproduce themselves... we like to think that our girls are proving it can be done.
Herd health and management has always been a top priority for us. Our animals are fed premium dairy quality alfalfa, as well as home grown grass and oat hay, in addition to a 16% pelleted dairy ration. We also offer Duraferm Goat Concept·Aid loose minerals, Zinpro, and sodium bicarbonate free choice. Our animals are dewormed twice a year, vaccinated against clostridium perfringens Types C & D, tetanus and Pasteurella for pneumonia, given supplemental copper boluses and BoSe regularly as a source of selenium. We completed whole herd G6S testing in May 2013 and maintain a completely G6S Normal herd. Our entire mature herd is DNA typed and parent qualified. During kidding season, we monitor expectant does with the use of several barn cameras installed throughout the doe barn. We attend all births and promptly remove kids as soon as they are born. Our kids are raised on a strict CAE prevention program and penned separately from the adult goats. We give our babies lots of individual attention and as a result, buyers often comment how friendly and well-adjusted our kids are! As a prevention for coccidiosis, Calf Pro is added to the kids’ free choice pasteurized milk. The herd is protected by our loyal team of Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs, Skyler, Bernie, June, Ruth (the Notorious RBG!), Sansa and Eleven.
We are forever grateful to all of you who have believed in our breeding program. We've had a pretty remarkable run so far and what makes it even more incredible is the never wavering support, encouragement and love from our beautiful, generous, amazing friends and fellow breeders in this wonderful world of dairy goats! THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!
We hope that you will take a few moments to become better acquainted with our herd, and as always, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
Sara Koehn-Walberg
Danni Louie
Fond memories… showing for Kastdemur’s at the 2008
ADGA National Show with (L to R) Karen, Rachel, Sara, Krista
Danni and Trinity at the 2021 ADGA Spotlight Sale with Oh Geeze! and Chippendale
(Right) Our 2022 ADGA Junior Champion:Blissberry For Heaven’s Sake (Senior Yearling).
(Left) Congrats to our good friends at J&M Hideaway on their 2022 ADGA Reserve Junior Champion!
Team Blissberry & Team Goat-San… having the best of times with the best of friends at the 2022 National Show!
Blissberry Party In The USA (above left) 2021 ADGA Reserve Junior Champion!

Blissberry's banners for Premier Nubian Exibitor and Reserve Premier Nubian Breeder
GCH Blissberry Rain Or Shine 7*M (above right) 2019 ADGA National Best Udder
Blissberry Walking In Memphis (above right) 2019 ADGA National Reserve Junior Champion
(Right) Trinity with our 2023 ADGA Reserve Junior Champion: Blissberry BW Peridot (Intermediate Kid)
(Left) Congrats to Vineyard View on their 2023 ADGA Junior Champion!
- Details