We've created various files that assist us in the managment of our herd and organization of records. Please feel free to download and use any that you may find useful for your herd.
Kidding & Kid related forms:
Doe Kidding Record (PDF) - One sheet per doe.
Microchip List (PDF) - One microchip sticker per kid is attached to this sheet.
Newborn Kid Record (PDF) - We make a 3 hole punch and insert these sheets into a binder.
Kid List (XLSX) - This spreadsheet contains kid info for all kids born in our herd.
Reservation List (XLSX) - We use this spreadsheet to keep track of our reservations.
Semen Inventory (XLSX)
More to come...
Blissberry Dairy Goats
Sara Koehn-Walberg
Danni Louie
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